🟥 Nova Games#

Nova Games Interface#

class novauniverse.interfaces.tournaments.nova_games.NovaGames[source]#

Bases: TournamentInterface

The interface for NovaAPI’s /tournaments/nova_games endpoint. Allows you to get latest, get all and search for 🟥nova games tournaments.

get_all() List[NovaGamesTournament][source]#

Returns all 🔥mcf tournament results from api in a list. Returns empty list if none.

get_latest() NovaGamesTournament | None[source]#

Returns the latest 🔥mcf tournament result from api. Returns None if there are no tournaments.

search(query: Search | int | str) NovaGamesTournament | None#

Helper for @overload to raise when called.

NovaGamesTournament Reference#

class novauniverse.interfaces.tournaments.nova_games.nova_games_tournament.NovaGamesTournament(data: dict)[source]#

Bases: NovaBasicTournament

An individual 🟥nova games tournament.