Source code for novauniverse.api.cdn
from __future__ import annotations
import requests
from . import errors
from .. import config
from . import NovaAPI
class NovaCDN(NovaAPI):
"""Class used to interact with CDN server at ````."""
def __init__(self, endpoint: str = None, silence_endpoint_warning:bool=False):
self.silence_endpoint_warning = silence_endpoint_warning
def is_cdn_endpoint(self) -> bool:
"""Check if this endpoint link is from the CDN and warns you if it's not."""
if not self.silence_endpoint_warning:
if "" in self.endpoint:
self.logger.warn("You are using an API endpoint in the 'NovaCDN' class. Please only use api endpoints in the 'NovaAPI' class or else you'll run into many bugs.")
return False
return True
return None
def get(self) -> requests.Response:
"""Send a get request to that CDN endpoint."""
if self.endpoint is None: raise errors.NoEndpointPassed()
if config.performance_mode is False: # Does online check if performance mode is not enabled.
if self.is_online is False: raise errors.FailedConnectivityCheck()"Sending cdn get request to '{self.endpoint}'...")
response_file = self.__http_session.get(self.endpoint)
if response_file.status_code == 200:"CDN get request of '{self.endpoint}' was successful!")
return response_file
# I think all the error messages in the CDN are spit out in plain text on HTML. I'm not sure though. (Create a github issue if there's an issue with this anywhere.)
raise errors.UnSuccessfulOperation(response_file.text)