Source code for novauniverse.api.endpoints

BASE_API_URL = "https://api." + BASE_DOMAIN

# --------
CDN_BASE_URL = "https://" + BASE_DOMAIN + "/cdn"

# --------
LEGACY_API_URL = "https://" + BASE_DOMAIN + "/api"


[docs] class Endpoints: """Class containing all Nova Universe API endpoints.""" # Connectivity Check # -------------------- connectivity_check = ( V1_API_URL + "/connectivity_check" ) # News # ------------- # TODO: This endpoint is from the legacy api so it may be removed soon. NEWS_ALL = ( LEGACY_API_URL + "/news/all" ) NEWS_LATEST = ( LEGACY_API_URL + "/news/latest" ) # Stats # ------------ STATS_EXTENDED = ( V1_API_URL + "/novauniverse_mc/stats/extended" ) STATS_DISCORD = ( V1_API_URL + "/discord" ) # Players # --------- PLAYERS_ONLINE = ( V1_API_URL + "/novauniverse_mc/players/online" ) # MCF # ------ MCF_RESULT = ( V1_API_URL + "/tournaments/mcf/result" ) # Nova Games # ----------- NOVA_GAMES_RESULT = ( V1_API_URL + "/tournaments/nova_games/result" ) # TODO: This only exists in the legacy api so it might be removed soon. NOVA_GAMES_LIVE_STATS = ( LEGACY_API_URL + "/nova_games/live_stats" ) # TODO: Another legacy api thing that might be removed in the future. 😥 NOVA_GAMES_DYNAMIC_CONFIGURATION = ( LEGACY_API_URL + "/nova_games/dynamic_configuration" )
[docs] class CDNEndpoints: """Class containing all Nova Universe CDN endpoints.""" NOVA_GAMES_ICONS_TEAM = ( CDN_BASE_URL + "/novagames/icons/team" )