Source code for novauniverse.objects.nova_dataclass

from __future__ import annotations
from io import StringIO
from dataclasses import dataclass
from devgoldyutils import DictDataclass

from prettyprinter import cpprint, install_extras

from .. import config, nova_logger

[docs] @dataclass class NovaDataclass(DictDataclass): """The root class that all dataclasses inherited from.""" def __post_init__(self): self.logger = nova_logger super().__post_init__() # BETTER dataclass representation, also it's coloured. 🌈 # --------------------------------------------------------- def __repr__(self) -> str: if config.performance_mode: # I've heard pretty-printer can be a bit slow, so to save performance I've disabled it in performance mode. return super().__repr__() text_stream = StringIO() cpprint(self, stream=text_stream, depth=3, max_seq_len=1) return